How to Select a Static Site Generator That Works for You

Static site generators (SSGs) are tools that generate a fully static HTML website from raw data (usually Markdown) and a set of templates. They are an alternative to traditional content management systems like WordPress that render pages dynamically.

With so many static site generators available, it can be challenging to decide which one is the best fit for your project. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating your options.

Programming language

SSGs are built using different programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby, Go, and Python. If you or your team already have experience with a particular language, choosing an SSG in that language may help you get up to speed faster. For example, if you’re a Ruby developer, Jekyll could be a natural choice.

Project requirements

Think about the specific needs of your website project. Do you need features like i18n, theme support, or extensibility via plugins? Make sure the SSG you choose supports these requirements. For instance, if you’re building a documentation site, you may want an SSG optimized for docs like Docusaurus.

Community and ecosystem

Look at the community and ecosystem around each SSG. A large and active community means more resources, tutorials and plugins to help you build your site. For example, Gatsby has a very extensive plugin library that can add all sorts of functionality to your site.


Performance is one of the main reasons to use an SSG, but some have an edge over others. While the end result might be the same, be sure to compare build times, asset optimization, and other performance factors, especially if you have a large site. For a large site with lots of updating content, definitely consider Hugo which can have build times measured in milliseconds compared to minutes for other SSG-s.

Developer experience

Consider the developer experience you want while working on your site. Some SSGs have more opinionated and streamlined conventions, while others offer more flexibility and control. Eleventy is known for being very simple and unopinionated, while others like Next.js offer a lot of power with a more opinionated structure.

Ultimately, the right static site generator is the one that feels most productive to you and meets the needs of your specific project. Don’t be afraid to experiment with a few different ones to get a feel for how they work.


The good news is that since SSGs have seen a surge in popularity and maturity, there are solid, well-maintained options in just about every language and for every use case. By considering your needs and evaluating the options, you’re sure to find an awesome static site generator that works for you.